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Crichton Law

You’ve Been Arrested? Now What?

  • Published: January 28, 2018
You’ve Been Arrested? Now What?

You may already be thinking that you now need to find a criminal defense lawyer. Someone who is a professional that can guide you through the process and advocate on your behalf. An internet search reveals many options and you don’t know where to start.

You need a trial lawyer you can trust. Take a deep breath and shop around. Although time is of the essence, take a moment to ask questions. Most attorneys offer free consultations. Take advantage of them. Meet with the lawyer in their office and ask the important questions:

  • Have you handled this type of matter before?
  • Do I need a jury trial or a waiver trial?
  • How long have you practiced in this jurisdiction?
  • What is the process? Are you familiar with the judges’ demeanors I will appear in front of?
  • What is your fee structure? Do you offer payment plans or accept credit cards?

Discuss your goals.

The last discussion I have with every prospective client is also the most important: What is your goal? For some, it may be staying out of jail. For others, it may be a full-acquittal at trial, withdrawal of charges or acceptance into a diversionary program. This is the most important conversation you can have with your attorney and think critically about his or her responses to these questions. A good lawyer will be honest with you, the same honesty you’d expect from a doctor’s prognosis. If the lawyer just wants your money with vague assurances of “don’t worry about it,” beware.

Don’t make a mistake: the decision of which lawyer to hire is the most important choice you face right now. The wrong selection might haunt you for the rest of your life. Will you choose the lawyer who flashes awards you’ve never heard of to impress you? The lawyer who tells you he’s the best because the web page he wrote says so? Or will you choose experience? Will you choose a trial lawyer who will fight for the best outcome, a trial lawyer you can trust to give you the information you need to make a wise and informed decision?

What You Get in Criminal Defense Attorney Troy Crichton

When you hire me as your lawyer, you get an experienced criminal defense lawyer whose practice is concentrated on that area.  You get a lawyer who sharpened his craft and knowledge of the law as a Philadelphia Public Defender in the early years of his career. You get a lawyer who has tried some of the most difficult cases, including sexual assaults and attempted murders. You get a lawyer who, as a Public Defender, has tried and won more DUI cases then most lawyers will ever handle in their career. You get a lawyer who looks forward to a fight in a courtroom and knows the judges you can expect to appear in front of. You get a lawyer who intimately understands how the system works. If you want a trial, you came to the right lawyer. When you hire me, you get me: I will personally handle your case. There won’t be questions about why you hired me and I passed you off to an associate.

Lawyers give many reasons that you should hire them, but there is really only one. You should hire a lawyer for your criminal case because his experience and personality make you feel comfortable doing so. You should hire a trial lawyer you can trust.

Fight Back. Call Today.

I’m confident that I’m the right choice for you as long as you’re looking for a lawyer who knows what he’s doing, has the right experience, and will tell you the truth from the outset. Read more about me in my bio on this website. Then call me and we’ll set up a time soon to sit down to discuss your case.

Troy Crichton

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